The duo from Christian Karlsson (of Miike Snow) and Linus Eklöw (a.k.a. Style Of Eye) have stood by their announcement to release a new single with the pre-order to their debut album Pharmacy. Better known as Galantis, the progressive house champs have released the latest single from the album known as “Peanut Butter Jelly” that shows them trying something very new musically (for them).
Premiered in Miami at Ultra Music Festival this year, Christian and Linus crafted a special tune here that sounds very different from their previous material. What fans hear in “Peanut Butter Jelly” is a happy house tune rooted firmly in the spectacular violins seen in the age of disco. We also get those warped, yet oddly infectious vocals singing about making sandwiches in a feel-good way that makes listeners feel just that. The drop consists of plenty of instrumental chopping that is executed in such a way that it leaves me at a loss for words. It is so emotional and vigorous from its overall catchiness leaving me to believe wholeheartedly that this will be one of the biggest anthems of the summer.
I have a feeling that the upcoming album will sound more in tune with “Runaway (U & I)” and “Gold Dust” than this song here, but I also feel Pharmacy will have a few surprises like “Peanut Butter Jelly” that will do more good than harm in the long run. If you have yet to hear the new single, check it down below off of SoundCloud and set the good vibrations free.
Galantis – Peanut Butter Jelly