Back in 2013, the widely-acclaimed documentary Blackfish was released, exposing the cruel and often illegal practices of those holding orcas in captivity. Because of the horrifying footage included in the film, many measures were taken by important figures and the public alike to remove any and all support from places like Seaworld. Since these actions began, and greater attention was directed toward marine life parks, there has been an ongoing protest about Marineland‘s unsuitable living conditions for their animals. This Ontario park has even garnered hate from our own sultan and savior Deadmau5. Since last year, Joel has repeatedly mentioned Marineland on his various social media pages, even writing a personal letter to their higher-ups, politely asking them to take a hit and close down their animal pens, suggesting they give him a number so that he can buy them out. Everyone loves… marineland.
— deadmau5 (@deadmau5) October 14, 2014
After several years of debate, it seems the Ontario Community Safety organization is finally taking steps in the right direction. As of a week ago, Ontario has established an official ban on the captivity and breeding of killer whales. A first offense will cost the perpetrator $60,000.
The acceptance of this law was based on a very lengthy report made by team of marine life scientists called “Standards of Care for Marine Mammals.” In it, they discuss not only the current Ontario legislations pertaining to the holding of animals and their suggestions of much needed alterations, but also vast scientific evidence and research detailing the welfare of marine life in captivity and evaluations of what defines a healthy habitat.
Yasir Naqvi, Ontario’s Community Safety manager released a statement this week: “Today’s announcement is about ensuring that Ontario has the best standards of care possible for marine mammals. That is what Ontarians expect and these animals deserve.”
With Deadmau5’s vocal support for this new legislation and the still-growing awareness of the reality of animal captivity, it seems we are taking substantial steps toward fostering cruelty-free and transparent environmental practices.
Source: EDMSauce