You can always count on Bixel Boys to do something different; it’s why they’ve gained such a special following over the past two years. But their latest track is completely unique, even by their standards. The combination of Elliphant and Bixel Boys is something that you didn’t even know you needed until now. What’s jarring is that the original version of “Never Been in Love” is incredibly upbeat, a summer anthem you play on a long road trip with friends. But Ian and Rob have warped it into a dark, post-apocalyptic track, one you would expect to hear after the fall of man, when the world has been plunged into chaos and your only goal in life is to survive. While the song itself isn’t that bleak or heavy, it still comes with a similar effect, especially with the use of the sirens throughout. Elliphant’s lyrical prowess is already nothing to mess with, but behind a Bixel track that includes a steel drum-esque melody, an electric guitar, and plenty of bass, her talents are simply next level. If this is the new direction Bixel Boys have hinted at, then I’d strap in, because we’re in for quite a wild musical ride in the next few months.