Despite the organizer’s best efforts, Future Music Festival Asia is likely to be cancelled. Scheduled for next week, the event has now had its permits declined twice by officials, due to concerns regarding the six reported deaths at FMFA’s Malaysian venue last year. FMFA’s organizers, The Livescape Group, have taken to Facebook to assuage fears of the festival’s cancellation and break any association between their event and last year’s fatalities or drug use.
“The organisers of Future Music Festival Asia are aware of recent news articles circulating regarding next week’s event. At the moment we have gone up to the highest level to appeal for the festival to proceed. No final decision has been made as yet and we urge you to stay calm and have faith. Regardless, the show must go on.
We would also like to go on record to address the Singapore Police Force’s concerns regarding the isolated drug related incidents that happened in Malaysia last year. Isolated incidents which happened outside of Singapore cannot and do not carry any implication that FMFA is in any way linked to drug use nor is it any indication that there will be drug abuse at the event. FMFA firmly stands behind our goal of creating a drug-free event for our festival goers to enjoy, and we are working with the best international organisations in the world with a combined 50 years of experience working on similar events to ensure that this is the case.
To the fans, at the moment, we are working relentlessly around the clock to fight for your right to party. We ask that you give us 48 hours to work on the issue at hand. An update will be provided then.
In the meantime, join us in making our voices heard. Music unites, and we believe that together, we can make a stand for our right to #KeepFMFAAlive”
Nearly sold out, The Livescape Group is asking fans to have faith, adamant that the show will go on since “no final decision has been made as yet.”
Source: Yahoo
it has already been cancelled