Headphones just keep getting smarter. A few weeks ago we reported on the first “smart headphones” and now, another company has entered the market. Chinese based firm Huawei has introduced a headphone designed for the listener on the go. Instead of plugging your headphones into your phone or music device, the new TalkBand N1 stores up to 1000 mp3 songs directly in the headphones themselves.
The new design focuses around being a necklace that breaks off into headphones at your convenience. The small controller attached to the headphones allows the user to navigate through their music easily without resistance and is perfectly geared for users into fitness. Now, when you go on a run, you no longer have to plug your headphones into anything to have direct access to your music.
2015 is already gearing up to be a big year in terms of headphones technology and the TalkBand N1 is only the beginning. Check out the preview of the headphones below: