YouTube, easily the top streaming platform on the internet, just announced the winners of the 2015 Youtube Music Awards. 50 musicians were selected and they represent the cream of the crop when it comes to dominating the online realm. With heavy weight names such as Snoop Dogg, Miley Cyrus, Beyonce and more, the YouTube awards are the most accurate representation of the best artists on the internet.
Martin Garrix and Lindsey Stirling both made the list and are the representatives for the EDM category. With only 2 EDM names on the list, it is exciting to see both Martin Garrix and Lindsey Stirling paired with some of the biggest names in the music industry. In their announcement, YouTube explained how they determined their all star list:
“These are the artists with the biggest growth in views, subscribers and engagement over the last six months. The artists you watched over 47 billion times collectively. 50 innovative acts that continue to make YouTube the place where artists and fans connect.”
Congratulations to both Martin Garrix and Lindsey Stirling! You can check out the announcement trailer below:
Image Source: Rukes