The world renowned and largely secretive duo known as Daft Punk have a special surprise in store as a returned favor to Nile Rodgers who helped with their album Random Access Memories.
Announced by Nile Rodgers via Twitter, he teased a screenshot for an upcoming album-video from the pair which is due out in “the next few weeks.” Rodgers announced this as front-man for the group Chic, the 70’s disco pioneers, who will be releasing an album for the first time since 1992 via Warner Bros Music in the near future.
We can’t wait for all of the parts of this album to come together; you know it’s going to be epic when Daft Punk plays a part.
Daft Punk made a touching film for my new record-Here's a still from it #SoulTrain #disco #funk @nilerodgers teaser
— Nile Rodgers (@nilerodgers) February 21, 2015