DanceSafe is one of the few companies that I believe is actually influencing the scene for the better. Sure, there are labels like OWSLA and Mad Decent that focus on pushing the boundaries for music, but that’s only half the battle. When you have kids dropping dead at festivals from overdoses and bad drugs, someone has got to step in. And since clubs are too worried about their own liability and insurance fees to do anything about it, DanceSafe truly is the hero we need.
DanceSafe was founded in 1998 by Emanuel Sferios, and, though the numbers are likely impossible to accurately estimate, has probably saved thousands of lives since its inception. Through their booths at festivals and shows, they help to educate and inform young adults about the drugs they’re taking. This method of education and prevention rather than incarceration has proven beneficial, saving tax payers hundreds of thousands of dollars a year that would go to room and board for a state or federal prisoner, and helps to educate the public at large about the issues that young adults face in the current drug climate.
Going one step further, Sferios has teamed up with a handful of like-minded individuals in the hopes that a feature film describing the issues of MDMA and drug policy could potentially sway future policy changes. The working title is MDMA: The Movie, and “will explore the history and cultural impact of this unique drug, highlighting its medical role in the treatment of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and exploring harm reduction as a practical alternative to three decades of failed efforts at prohibition.” So obviously, it’s not going to be a PSA about not getting fucked up at a show. (Looking at you, MTV.)
This movie will feature many interviews, including drugs expert Professor David Nutt, the ‘Godfather of Ecstasy’ Alexander Shulgin and his wife Ann, frequent users and parents of those who’ve died from taking MDMA, as well as interviews with many recreational users highlighting their experiences. However, the film needs funding. With an estimated cost of $100,000 and multiple production staff to pay, a non-profit organization is forced to do what it does best – look for donations. Opening up an Indiegogo page, the feature film has already raised over $4,000 in just the first day. Donations are open until March 27th, and any amount is welcome, though prize incentives are available for those who choose and are able to donate more.
Watch the first teaser trailer below.
H/T: Mixmag
Thanks for the article. One clarification, though… I founded DanceSafe, and Dancesafe will be featured in the film, but DanceSafe is not, itself, producing the film. Thank you again for the great article! 🙂