I’ve been waiting some time now to hear a new Ellie Goulding remix I can enjoy, and it has finally arrived. AEONS brings us their remix of “Love Me Like You Do” and I must say it is truly a breath of fresh air. They open the track up with soft and moving sounds, bringing out the beautiful grace of Ellie’s voice. From there it’s a journey of heart-throbbing and whimsical electronica, which captivates the very nature of the original itself. Every note and beat compliments the vocals incredibly well, and tracks that have such a clean and balanced sound are typically very special.
You may think these guys are just producers, but they’re actually a full-fledged band who’s more than ready to bring a new life to the scene. They’ve been working with fantastic artwork and graphics, and they’re even in the process of creating live videos to compliment their music. It looks like this group is on the verge of starting an electronic revolution. So if you haven’t heard anything by AEONS, you really must start listening.
Home Misc Experimental AEONS Delivers Alluring Remix of Ellie Goulding