Los Angeles based duo Bixel Boys, whose #FREELIFE jerseys can be spotted at least once (though probably more) at every festival since they became available to the public, have managed to make a huge impact on the EDM community for having only emerged in early 2013. In addition to a ton of killer original tracks, the two have put out remixes of songs by artists ranging from The Crystal Method to Michael Jackson.
On their Soundcloud, the duo describe their style of music as “underground tunes for big rooms” – and that is exactly the feeling I get from their newest remix of Le Youth‘s “R E A L”. Bixel Boys takes the ethereal tune from something you want to jam out to in your car while driving down the highway to something that demands to be blasted and grooved to at a club. The artfully chopped vocals and deep, bouncy beats make for a beautiful display of future house.
The remix will be released on February 22nd by Sign Of The Times. Listen below, and pre-order on iTunes now.