Sasha Grey has gone from porn star to dark-dub band mate to dance music Dj. You may think she’s jumping on some bandwagon, however her, as well as the likes of Elijah Wood, have already been in music and Djing for a bit. Sasha has been in music publicly since 2011, the year she retired from the porn industry to get fully into music with her band aTelecine, who takes on a more experimental and dark side of music. Nowadays, she is Djing under her own name with EDM records making up her repertoire. She’s even released a few mixes on Soundcloud, one of which you can check out below. It’s labeled as “progressive,” even though you get a heap of electro bangers in it.
It has not been said if she has thought about getting into the world of production, though. With her past musical works, the music she’d make would have to be interesting. Maybe we will see some of that in the future!
Source: Pulse Radio