The original “Trippy” from Antiserum & Mayhem is reportedly the “highest grossing track to date” for Firepower Records, a large statement considering their vast catalogue of both incredible tracks and incredible artists. Yet, one listen to it is enough to understand how that came to be.
We spoke with Mayhem a couple months ago, and he let on that he would be releasing special VIPs of a few of his most popular tracks, including “Trippy.”
Where the original is indeed a trippy trap track (say that three times fast), the VIP takes a much harder approach and does away with the laid back attitude, instead opting for a harsh and fast-paced rhythm. It’s an interesting take on a blend of two genres, hardstyle and trap, where the characteristic hardstyle kick is replaced with a clapsnare, but you can still hear remnants of hardstyle in some parts of the track. Overall, the ingenuity and sound design are all there and on par with producers such as Antiserum & Mayhem.
Expect to hear this as a transition from the original and watch the crowd go fucking nuts.
The Karate EP drops on November 18th. Pre-order the EP and get “Trippy VIP” right away.