Although we love musicians and artists for the tunes they put out, it’s also cool to see what they do to shape it away from the traditional manner. Trance legend BT is putting together a massive project that plans to innovate the current sound of EDM and take it to a new height. However, it needs your help to reach the goal.
The project known as the Electronic Opus plans on fusing together live orchestra with electronic music while utilizing musical technology and bringing old music from BT and reworking it to fit this huge idea. Along with Tommy Tallarico (renowned video game composer) and TanZ (entertainment group), BT plans on having an album showcasing this blend past and future. He also plans on making this a special concert event with a live 42-person orchestra with singing and visuals. The concert will land in Miami during Miami Music Week and tickets go on sale December 1st.
If you want to join BT in this endeavor, help him reach his goal of $200,000 with as much as you wish to spare. The campaign has already reach close to $100,000 has will end December 10th.