The seafoxes are back! The incredibly exalted duo formed from talented producer Linus Eklow (a.k.a. Style Of Eye) and Miike Snow band member Christian Karlsson made a major splash this year. Being known for very few releases before 2014, the duo known better as Galantis released an impeccable debut EP and had their first major performance at this year’s Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival. Moving on from incredible singles like “Smile” and “You”, the two now have presented another jaw-dropping song coming out on October 5th to Big Beat Records.
The song is titled “Runaway (U & I)” and matches the same awe and uplifting sentiments of songs from their Galantis EP. Piano chords and vocal chops carry the listeners into rhythmic beauty as the lyrics have your emotions singing along. I didn’t expect to hear a new original from Galantis this year that is as incredible as this piece. Then again, maybe I love it so much because I have such a soft spot for beautiful progressive house such as this. Either way, check out this track and play it out loud.
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