It has come to pass that with the release of Porter Robinson’s Worlds, there is a distinct new style of EDM emerging that has just got everyone up in a tizzy. I’m not sure what to call it right now, so “music” will have to suffice. Nonetheless, it is a style that embodies, and champions, exquisite sound design and an appreciation of the basics.
Only the latest track to champion this sound is the latest release by Kaizen on Kolourbridge called ‘Impurity.’ Listen to it, and you can’t deny that it has an oddly similar Porter-esque feel to it (a certain part even sounds a tad bit like ‘Sad Machine’). However, this is not to say that this is a case where someone’s style has been taken or copied. Oh, no. This “music,” as we’ll call it, has so much promise, so much virility, that I can see it catching on and lasting for a very long time.
YoeMase had a large part in the production of the track, in addition to doing a wonderful job on the vocals, giving the track an even stronger “music” feeling. It’s a wonderful composition, and I’m looking forward to what Kaizen has in store for the future.
Kaizen and Kolourbridge have teamed up with Toneden to bring this to you as a FREE DOWNLOAD.