Since seeing its original release in May, Astronomar‘s ‘Mutant Club’ EP has been heavily rinsed and championed across the industry. As a collective, ‘Mutant Club’ engulfs the listener with a pace that staggers, accelerates and, in some instances, minimizes to its framework eccentuating Astronomar’s lofty and precise production. With that in mind, stems were sent to three of the most interesting and exciting producers in the scene and the stage was set. First up, rising to the occasion to recondition, reinterpret, and repackage Astronomar and Bots’ record ‘Drama’ were Fools Gold’s resident duo, Gladiator.
As an assortment of percussive elements totter wildly in the background, the LA duo’s rendition of ‘Drama’ steadily builds before unleashing into an explosive hybrid interpretation of the celebrated original. Riddled with towering festival synths and heavy bass, Gladiator’s remix is visceral, dynamic, and following suit with all Main Course releases, free for the following month! Stream the remix below and make sure to grab your copy while it’s still sizzling.
In addition to the steaming hot release above, Main Course is also hosting a remix content for Astronomar’s record, ‘Thot Process’. To participate, jump over to the Main Course Facebook and download the stems here!
With stems in hand and a pipping hot remix ready to dish out, enter the contest by:
– Posting your remix, on public, to Soundcloud, tagging @MainCourseMedia (no downloads for now, please)
– Emailing the public Soundcloud link to [email protected] so we got it for sure
Contest deadlines are as follows:
Oct 5th – Deadline for Submissions
Oct 8th – Top Remixes are Shared
Oct 10th – Winner Announced
And of course, last but not least, the prizes:
– Your remix, officially released on Main Course on an upcoming Remixes Compilation
– A Main Course shirt, shopping bag & prize pack
– Maybe more, too
For any additional remix competition information read more here!