In Miami, a duo of sorts is making a name for themselves with incredible electro house productions. Known as Your Friends, the project has a handful of original productions as well as bootlegs of tracks such as “If I Lose Myself” by OneRepublic and Alesso, “We’ll Be Coming Back” by Calvin Harris and Example, “Remember” by Thomas Gold and Kaelyn Behr, and more. They now have a new bootleg that maintains a high level of awesome to move the feet on the floor.
About a month ago, the Ones Two Watch label released a song called “Seoul” by Dutch sensation Loopers. This original mix is a groovy and dynamic house song with deep attitude. However, Adrian and Jordan of Your Friends flip the original and hone it into a hard, electro banger. With head-bopping growls, follow-up synths, and dabbles of Modern Talking, the bootleg successively unleashes vigor and candor for crowds ready to dance.
As with all bootlegs, this one is free and very much worth the click to download.
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