The ongoing legal battles between Disney and Deadmau5 have shown no signs of cooling off as Disney has responded to Deadmau5‘s cease and desist letter by claiming, “there is no merit to his statement.” The tension was instigated by Disney’s assertion that copyright infringement had taken place when Joel Zimmerman licensed his infamous mouse head logo, which strikes a resemblance to Disney‘s staple Mickey Mouse logo. Their statement is as follows:
“Disney vigorously protects its trademark rights, and we oppose Mr. Zimmerman’s attempt to register a logo that is nearly identical to our trademarks for his commercial exploitation. Our opposition is not about the use of the Deadmau5 costume. The music was appropriately licensed, and there is no merit to his statement.”
-Disney Spokesperson
Joel then countered by claiming Disney had not sought the proper authorization for using his track “Ghosts n’ Stuff” in the video “Ghosts n’ Stuff Re-Micks.” A Disney spokesperson stated that “The music was appropriately licensed,” and it appears as though the Mouse vs. Mau5 show will be getting a second season soon enough.
Source: Rolling Stone