When hip-hop meets electronic music, that’s like my match made in heaven. Although some would dismiss this as just a rap song, BnW‘s remix of “Mr Me Too” has one of the sickest future instrumentals you are going to hear. Of course, you get some fire from Clipse, but when it comes to the work the Vancouver duo did, you as the listener might as well be James Marshall at Sutter’s Mill in the late 1840’s. It’s bouncy, spunky and has enough character to give life even to the Beatport Top 100. Something like this would pop off if it were thrown into a mix, so for any Djs out there, get this free Blondtron/Waspy edit. It’s the only thing on their Soundcloud right now; cherish it. Expect more to come though!
Home Misc Experimental Clipse – Mr Me Too (BnW Remix!) [Free Download]