Before electronic music existed, exclusively playing your own music at your shows was the norm. Sure, people would do the occasional cover, but that would usually be a rare sighting. Then EDM came along; the electronic age of sampling, remixing, reworking, and remaking. EDM has been build on the very idea of reimagining and reinterpreting what was once something normal and unoriginal into something completely different, diverse, and unique, and thus, the idea of playing other people’s tunes developed into the new scene-wide norm.
Tomorrowland MAIN STAGE tomorrow night, streamed live. If anyone has cool music, send to [email protected]
— Knife Party (@knifepartyinc) July 24, 2014
Ahh, two of my all time favorite Aussies, Knife Party. Does it get an more casual than that? Before the age of EDM, bands used to carefully and intelligently pick specific tunes to play in a specific order, and they would map out how the entire show would go. And even now, DJs will more often than not pick and choose between the best of the best to play during their sets, especially if that set takes place at one of the most Iconic EDM festivals in the world, Tomorrowland. Rob and Gareth from Knife Party refuse to conform to that norm, however. On the night of Friday, July 25, 2014, Knife Party played an awesome set at Tomorrowland, and prior to that set, on the night before, they asked their fans to send them “cool music.”
*puts on gloves to sift through the shit to find the golden tickets*
— Knife Party (@knifepartyinc) July 24, 2014
The duo also made sure not to have any pre-recorded segments during their set.
dont send us bootlegs or mashups either , we’ll do those mixes on the fly thanks cos WIKID DJ SKIL
— Knife Party (@knifepartyinc) July 24, 2014
After 3 hours of sifting through almost 300 emails, the guys actually came across “some real gems.”
its taken the better part of the last 3 hours to sift through these emails, but there has been some real gems. congratulations everyone
— Knife Party (@knifepartyinc) July 24, 2014
me rn
— Knife Party (@knifepartyinc) July 24, 2014
Thanks all for sending tunes, we got over 300 tracks, about 20 decent ones. Server was freaking out tho so we’ve removed the email address.
— Knife Party (@knifepartyinc) July 25, 2014
Check out the set below.