After the success of Weska’s latest release of his ‘Next Up’ EP, this up and comer has now paired up with another rising Toronto techno producer, who refers himself as TimeBandit. Together, they both create a fluid synergy of raw techno beats with “Crabs From Mars”. This is one of the featured tracks off of NB Records’, ‘Selection 12’ compilation series, which also includes tracks from Nik Feral, Two Lost Boys, Mauro Nakimi, and Space Energie.
“Crabs From Mars” focal point is its fresh, minimally crisp bass line, as its slow rumble constantly provides groove and depth to the mix. The duo delivers exhilarating drive and power with overflowing synths and structuring unique elements that will surely strike your senses. They arrange each beat and texture with extreme subtlety and pinpoint precision, which forces the listener to focus in on each little nuance that makes the piece.
Grab your own copy: HERE
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