While you might not have heard the name Audiobot yet, it’s nearly guaranteed that you’ve heard his productions before. As an integral part of the production brains behind LMFAO’s smash hit ‘Sexy and I Know It’ Audibot’s music has been heard by nearly half a billion listeners. Now, he’s aiming at making his mark with a solo career, and it appears as though he’s doing just that.
Dungeon, his latest tune is a big room tune with an aggression very rarely heard in the genre. The screeching lead is intense and unique, giving the track an eerie vibe on the drop. While the melodic progression is fairly standard, it’s the sound design that makes this tune standout. Dungeon has already received an awesome reception from fans of big room and electro house alike which makes the upcoming releases that Audiobot has promised us in the coming months all the more anticipated. Check it out below and grab your free download!
Audiobot – Dungeon (Orginal Mix) [Free Download]
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