The infamous duo of Skrillex and Diplo sat down with Billboard recently to discuss their collaboration, Jack U. Known for their goofy nature when together, these two kings of their very different worlds are attempting to bring that element to the studio as well.
Skrillex, the primary spokesman for the duo, contributed some insight into their upcoming works.
The thing about the music I make and the music he makes is that even though it might sound different, sonically, we always take this, like, fun approach to making music rather than taking it too seriously.
But, while they may be messing around with the sounds they use, their end goal is to make it work on the dance-floor.
It’s just a lot of fun for him and I to get in the studio and make jokes and just really try to come up with the most annoying sounds ever. What we try to do is make the stupidest thing ever and make it actually work – that’s our only thing.
Sonny‘s recent album “Recess” garnered much attention, but he refuses to stop, as Jack U isn’t the only thing he’s working on in the studio. He is also hard at work on the soundtrack for the upcoming Transformers movie which will feature some of the “craziest” sounds from him yet.