Get ready to hear what’s going to be one of the biggest bass tracks of the season. Many followers of Styles & Complete may already find this song to sound a bit familiar since they surprised audiences and dropped it in a couple of sets on tour. In case you were one of those eager thousands dying to find out the title of this huge track, well here it is. The track, which they call “JUMP!” carries such an explosion of ground-shaking, ear-shattering bass and was just released by the duo today on Buygore.
“JUMP!” has Styles & Complete written all over it with their signature badass rhythm and sound, but stands out from previous tracks of theirs through it’s unique texture and with the massive power it comprises. I won’t even hesitate in saying that this song is going to become a regular in bass sets everywhere, and it would be in your best interest to familiarize yourself with it pronto. But what’s the best part about the Buygore release aside from it having one of the sickest drops I’ve heard in awhile? It’s a free download. Peep it below.