OK, so before I go any further, we might as well discuss the elephant in the room that’s surely on everyone’s mind – the dude in this song’s artwork is really creepy. Like, super-duper mega creepy. Maybe that’s why this track is called Mega, because of the pantless dude’s mega creepiness. I don’t know, but what I do know is that it’s going to suck when I encounter this fellow in my nightmares tonight.
Alright, now that that’s out of the way, let’s get to why we’re really all here: this track frickin’ ROCKS. We featured MDK two months back when the homie invented Celtic dubstep, and he’s back with “Mega” as a free gift to his fans after reaching a million views on his YouTube channel. For those new to MDK, this track serves as the perfect accumulation for everything he’s created since entering the scene two years back. The comparisons to dubstep heavyweight Zomboy are undeniable, and anyone who foolishly claims that dubstep is dead need not look any further than MDK to know that the genre is still ripe with bubbling young talent.
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