Steve Angello, who’s made his own name outside of Swedish House Mafia with solo work and Size Records, has signed with the Creative Artists Agency. Joining the ranks of the best creative minds in all the world, from film to music and sports, Steve has placed himself with quite the company in blazing his career trail ahead further. Representing names like James Cameron, Radiohead and David Beckham, the Creative Artists Agency has pushed some of the best talent in the world, particularly with Steve being a milestone for the electronic music community. What has already been worked out for Angello is a deal with Columbia Records, who will see the release of his single, “Wild Youth,” later this year. Along with Size In The Park, and presumably numerous other projects, it’s going to be another big year for the 31 year old. This certainly will open up some new doors for more exposure in the mainstream, allowing for Steve and all of us to reach the world even further.