Above & Beyond‘s new music video for their upcoming single “Sticky Fingers” with Alex Vargas is a little out there. Honestly though, some left field thought in the right minds tends to work incredibly no matter the creative project whether it be song, literature, art or video, like we have here for you today. The video for the recently previewed record may feature some uncannily intrusive heads, yet it tells a chilling tale of the struggle to let go of love while juxtaposing with the trio and Alex performing. Inspired by Hitchcock’s film, Vertigo, the phrases portraying the afterglow of devotion still has trippy qualities, but the full cinematic production express the lyrics consummately. “Sticky Fingers” is amazing; the video is equally terrific. Even if they ended it semi-cheesily, it was called for. They did not disappoint!
“Sticky Fingers” will be released on Anjunabeats/Ultra Music on May 19th with a house remix from Lane 8 and a drum & bass remix from Om Unit. Pre-order is currently available on iTunes!