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Your EDM Exclusive Interview: KitSch 2.0


The French duo that make up KitSch 2.0 are about to release their second track with John Dahlback‘s Mutants Records, and they want you to “Shake dat Ass”. A roving piece of Electro with a smooth freestyle flow, ‘Ass’ will be available to buy on 28th April. Hooking up with Damien N-Drix for this collaboration, the pair describe how the trio came together for the single. “We’ve known Damien for over two years now so the alliance came about very naturally. We worked firstly through Skype and then, because we live in the same city, actually getting into the studio all together.” The result is a fresh, frolicking dance floor sound, and a round up of classic influences from all three producers. We were able to grab a few words with KitSch 2.0 to speak about the release in more detail.

There’s always a story behind a partnership. How did KitSch 2.0 begin? 

Alex: We met in 2005. I had a lot of DJ friends and I used to organise private parties just for the love of house music. Everybody could come to spin at the studio – they were great times. I met Flo as he came to share his music with us one night and I realised he was one of the best DJs I knew. He heard a few tracks I made and really wanted to start production, so we decided to meet again to start a project together. That’s how it happened.

Can you go through the writing process for this insane electro track?

Flo: We made this track in Damien N-Drix’s studio. He let us hear an idea he created around this crazy bass loop, but the track wasn’t powerful enough so we worked together to add this hip hop touch we love in the vocal, and to build the rest of the track.

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You have released on some pretty epic labels, what has been your proudest release and why? Alex: Definitely Mutants Records, because John Dahlbäck was one of the first DJs who inspired us. The label does some great work.

What’s next for KitSch 2.0 in terms of releases?

Flo: ‘Ass’ will be out on April 28th on Mutants, and after that we have a collaboration with Ron Carroll called ‘Summertime’ to be released on Big & Dirty. Our follow up of ‘Drunk’ is ready –  we worked with our buddy Ken Roll on this one too.

Where does the name KitSch 2.0 come from?

Alex: We had a picture of Daft Punk in our studio with the title “Daft Punk by Supakitch”. We were looking for a name and suddenly picked up on the word “Kitsch.” Back in the day it was really related to the blend of Electro and Nu Disco we were making but when our sound evolved, we added the 2.0.

Can you tell us your top three producers that you are listening to at the moment?

Flo: We love Kryder, Diplo and Tchami – three different but very strong universes.

Will you guys be hitting any festivals this summer to play or just party?

Alex: For festivals we don’t know yet, but we’ll probably be in Ibiza to party this summer 🙂

Thanks for taking the time to speak to Your EDM! I’m off to SHAKE DAT ASS! 

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