In case you missed it, a few weeks ago a humorous video that comically poked fun at Steve Aoki, Sander Van Doorn and Laidback Luke went viral. The video dubbed a clip from the three’s performance at a Miami party where you could see the performers DJing while the author of the video playfully commented on their button pressing and knob twisting. Now as stated above, that video was to be taken lightheartedly, it wasn’t supposed to be a serious attack on any of those performers, but it seems that wasn’t understood by everyone who’s watched it. Cue in Art Department, the duo from Canada. Art Department, being late to the party, decided it would be a good idea to put all three DJs on blast. It’s bad. It’s not deadmau5 bad, it’s worse. From name calling to ignorant call outs, Art Department decides to widely accuse the artists on display. From “douchebags” to “jerkoffs”, Art Department is very clear on letting everyone know their thoughts on the matter. Here’s their message, let us know what you think in the comment section below.
Also watch the video here in case you missed it: