Giorgio Moroder may have just delivered the best remix of Coldplay‘s “Midnight” that has hit the web yet. The Disco sage certainly holds one of the uppermost spots with his rendition that dropped two days ago, April 19th. Exactly a month from that date, May 19th, is the release of the original on Coldplay’s “Ghost Stories” album.
The remix from the Italian has a similar spacial quality to that of the first version, but with an added twist worthy of having a time machine built for it to take it back to the 1970’s. It’s a tasteful, yet liberating eight in a half minute experience that continues to build upon itself and grow until the very end where you slowly subside out back into reality. Even though it’s Coldplay, the original started off in a good place, but Giorgio took it to a whole other level of awesome. The single is purchasable through iTunes, so if you dig, which you should, then go ahead and grab it for $1.29.