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Ultra Music Festival vs. Miami: Fight Delayed


There’s still a chance we can see a similar Ultra structure being built in Miami in the following year(s). The fateful fight regarding Ultra’s continued Miami presence was set for today, but the Miami mayor Tomás Regalado reset the date back until April 24th while also claiming “The discussion item could result in action.” I think we can assume they are going to try to swiftly oust Ultra by finding some supposed law they broke. But given the controversy over whose fault the collapsing fence was, the unfortunate death and the eighty-three arrests that were carried out by not only an augmented clan of police, but federal agents, the situation we have is quite the mess.

I have to ask though. Why were federal agents necessary? I’d have no idea that would really make any pragmatic sense, but given the magnitude of Music Week there is bound to be plenty of drugs and what I’ll term “shenanigans” going on; and not the sort of cute kind that you can appreciate. It’s bound to happen, yes, but obviously the drug war hasn’t worked, yet Miami still wants to try and play hardball by beefing up the police squadron an extra forty-nine per day from last years numbers.

I understand that there have been some unimaginably terrible things that have recently occurred regarding events, whether it’s deaths, overdoses, or even just something like trashing the grounds. Unfortunately, Miami had some of that, but for them to push to a point where a petition had to be made is a little unneeded after Ultra brought $233 million to the immediate economy. It is especially unnecessary if what really needs to happen is positively practical drug education involving proactive awareness and damage control, by both parties working together to make next year a more safe, and enjoyable time. Arming yourself with more guns isn’t going to do the trick, so don’t think of keeping with the plan of 2014 if next year happens.

After the meeting on the 24th we will, hopefully, have an update on the fate of Ultra in Miami. The current contract has Ultra staying until 2018, but Miami’s claiming the contract terms have been breached. The obvious faults and “deleterious” effects are the backbone of the argument. Let’s hope just because Miami threw a fancy word in there they won’t win this. Or maybe we need to have something so cherished ripped away from us; a sort of shock that will set everybody straight.

I don’t know which we need, but you certainly don’t need to hear any bitching about the scene, so I’ll leave you off with the notion that whatever happens, let’s move forward in a constructive manner. No matter where the fingers are pointed, let’s always first look inward at what oneself is contributing to the world. From ravers, all the way to the federal government.

PS, do sign the petition. If nothing else it will be a united cry against the “the man;” a respectable one that would be for the history books. Sign it here.

Source: THUMP
Miami New Times

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