In celebration of his new Runaway EP, Pierce Fulton has put together a contest with numerous giveaways, but most notably the opportunity to have a Google Hangout with the New England producer is up for grabs. That’s right! He’ll be live from his home studio ready to answer your questions about the production of his new release, what’s coming up in the future months, and whatever else you would like to ask.
One Grand Prize winner will be chosen, who will receive a pair of VMODA Crossfade LP headphones, whereas the four runners up who are chosen will be given tickets to a Pierce Fulton show of their choice. All will partake in hang out with him on Google, no matter what your other prize was. Sign up, and don’t forget to get the Runaway EP!
The Google Hangout will take place on April 21st.
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Photo Credit: James Coletta