If Varia’s fanbase were as big as his sound, he’d probably be playing at Ultra or any other festival. Four months since his last original release, he really knows how to come out swinging.
“Giga” is as much funk as Griz or Kill Paris and, dare I say, goes even a little bit harder. The intro is soft and sweet, playing with your heartstrings, gently tapping those notes. The build up does its job brilliantly, getting you swaying and weaving along to the arpeggios and perfect bassline. And that drop at a super energetic 110 BPM, growls and all, can’t stop you from moving like a wild man. And the second drop, well… I won’t spoil it for you.
And, as if things couldn’t get better (for me, at least), he released a DnB edit of the track, as well. Check them both out below and support the artist by getting these tracks on his Bandcamp and check him out on Facebook, as well.