In the world of underground Miami sounds, there is a young-talented mind with a drive to get your attention. With a strength in progressive house, Jonathan Gomez (known better by his Inviction alias) has now given an electro-house kick to this week. Releasing a free track on soundcloud, Inviction presents “Moar Beef” because you don’t have enough.
This track teases the melody in the intro and takes no fear in layering synth after synth as the build intensifies. Just before the climax of all things holy, the synths twist and unleash what can only be described as raging goodness. Right from the get-go of the drop, an explosion of sound takes the euphoric melody into an exciting, head-banging sensation. This is not the banger that edm needs, but it is the banger that edm deserves.
Check out and grab this song now, becuase it’ll be on repeat in your head for a long time. If you’re also into mashups, make it a priority to grab some of his killer mashups on his soundcloud page here. Also make sure to leave your ratings and comments on what you think of “Moar Beef” by Inviction.
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