Following the tragic deaths of its attendees it appears as if Future Music Festival, which took place at the Bukit Jalil National Stadium in Malaysia, was forced to close early by canceling Day 3 of the 3 day event. At this point it appears that the originally reported 5 6 deaths did not all take place on festival grounds, but Future Music Festival is currently working closely with the local authorities to determine what exactly happened. In a public statement posted to their Facebook page, Future Music Festival stated:
“In the interest of public safety we have heeded the authority’s advice to not proceed with Day-3 of Future Music Festival Asia 2014. This is also to help in the on-going investigation. We appreciate the understanding of all parties and will share updates on this matter as soon as possible.”
We will be sure to update you as more information is released on the matter. Our thoughts are with the families and friends affected by this tragedy.
Update: The Star has stated that 6 attendees in total have passed away and three more are in critical condition according to Kuala Lumpur police official Senior Deputy Comm Datkuk Mohmad Salleh. “All tested positive for high levels of drugs and the deaths have been classified as overdose.” While this report partially contradicts FMF’s statement, The Star claims that one attendee died on-site, one on the way to the hospital, and four more at local hospitals.
You can read the full statement here: