Earlier today, Slovenian DJ/producer Denis Jasarevi aka Gramatik joined fans online for a Reddit AMA. As usual, topics ranged from production techniques to possible future collaborations, and a few lighthearted questions in-between.
One fan asked about Jasarevi’s relationship with Derek Vincent Smith of Pretty Lights after leaving the Pretty Lights Music label. Gramatik explained that the split was preplanned and their friendship remains intact.
Jasarevi also discussed his views on internet freedom and creative commons. Having released all of his music for free, he is a vocal supporter of the abolishment of copyright laws.
Although no date is set in stone, Denis assured fans that a future BigGrizmatik collaboration is “inevitable, like Agent Smith.”
Finally, because Reddit users ask the important questions, Gramatik revealed his very specific preference for smoking weed.
To see the full AMA, head on over to Reddit. Download his latest album, “The Age of Reason” via BitTorrent here.