The eighth episode of Dani Deahl‘s DSquared podcast series was partnered this time with Thom Svast, who you may recall as the guy who posted the “DJ Rules” picture. A managing partner at AFTER Nightclub in Las Vegas, Svast’s rules are talked about in the interview, but you may find the mentioned picture HERE.
If you were one of the people who sneered at the rules or Svast himself, just listen for yourself to what the two individuals have to say. Having both had experience in the scene for some time, their credible proclamations put into perspective not only the truths that these rules bring up, but the fact that most clubs have rules anyways; it’s just they don’t go public let alone viral. Aside from the interview, the mix is superb as usual. I usually don’t just put a mix on repeat, but I’ve really been vibing with this one all day.
Photo Credit: Dark Room Demons