As the first release for the underground wunderkind LAXX on Never Say Die, Step One is a huge step in the right direction. The simplicity of his production is astounding with consideration of how much quality every one of his tracks exude.
We premiered his first single from the EP and the title track “Step One” last week and it’s gotten a huge reception. Now with all of the tracks out in the open, there’s no doubt that LAXX has a large year ahead of him. As does Never Say Die, who are expanding their label focus into newer genres. Their second to last compilation, Never Say Die Vol. 2, featured more trap sounds like Milo & Otis’ trap VIP of KillaGraham’s Clowns; but, to date, this is the first ever trap EP release for the label. And they could not have picked a better starter than LAXX. NSD is all about uniqueness and bringing something new to the table, and that’s exactly what they’ve accomplished with this newest release.
LAXX – Step One EP is now available through Beatport and out everywhere else March 24th.
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