Mike Hawkins recently released a very politically conscience video for his latest single “Soldiers.” The video displays a group of young boys progressing from playing with toy guns as youths, to playing a slightly more violent game of paintball in young adulthood, and finally concluding their lives as soldiers on the battlefield. Although the game of paintball does appear to be wildly entertaining, the video makes a deliberate effort to point out the numbing attitude we have adopted toward a growing gun population.
There is no denying that guns are every where in American culture, which is unique to our society. In Hawkin’s home of Denmark, gun’s are banned except for professional use, which is the policy taken by most first world countries.
Firearms have even snuck their way into EDM culture by way of popularly used gun and bomb samples. Trap is the most notorious genre for producers using violent noises to obtain a sinister environment in their tracks, although these samples have been widely spread to other genres as well.
How do you feel about the statement made by the “Soldier” video? Does EDM have a right to comment on social issues? Let us know in the comments!