It’s official. The European Space Agency has won the loudness war by creating a device capable of producing a sound so loud that it can kill a human. The Large European Acoustic Facility or as I like to call it, ‘The Bass Cannon’ emulates the noise intensity of a rocket lift off by blowing nitrogen through horns. The sound it produces is so intense, that it can quite literally kill you… Think of it like a Bond-villain type death ray, except as opposed to laser beams, it uses a crushing wall of audible energy. But, the LEAF’s actual use is less melting peoples’ faces off ala ‘Raiders of The Lost Ark’ and more rocket-scienc-ey.
In fact, the 154 decibel monster is used to test incredibly sensitive satellites and equipment before strapping them a live rocket – because you know… space things tend to be mind-blowingly expensive. So, by putting them next to something that produces the noise of a rocket, but isn’t a rocket, scientists and engineers can optimize their pre-launch designs.
This is a pretty cool example of the advanced (and terrifying) applications of sound engineering, and while we haven’t seen any nitrogen driven super systems yet, but I’m secretly hoping that Excision is working on adapting this into his Executioner set up.
Source: Engadget
Excision sure is on his way too it! Lol been to execution tour of 100,000 anout to go to his Excision 2014 tour for 150,000 watts of bass.. Thatll start to burn your eyelashes
Excision sure is on his way too it! Lol been to execution tour of 100,000 anout to go to his Excision 2014 tour for 150,000 watts of bass.. Thatll start to burn your eyelashes
haha I honestly thought I would have seen something excision related in this post, was not disappointed! Excision is the Bass Lord, anyone who thinks otherwise has never seen him live. Every time he comes near me I make sure I take someone who has never gone to a show before, just to see their reaction as their bones turn to dust and they collapse to the ground in a disturbing bass caused orgasm =D
How on earth would this kill you?
150dB is loud, and certainly without ear protection do some serious permanent damage.. but death?
I don’t see how that would work.