You’ve probably heard of her through Disclosure‘s smash hit “You & Me“, as Eliza Doolittle blew us all away with one of the strongest vocal performances in 2013. Now, one of EDM’s hottest up and coming acts, the Bixel Boys, have spiced up her original track, “Walking on Water“. Their signature underground, big room rhythms compliment Eliza perfectly as well as add a funky side to the track. These boys dropped in some incredible snares as well that will undoubetdly keep you grooving the whole six minutes. Be on the lookout for the Bixel Boys because 2014 is bound to be their biggest year yet! Listen below and be sure to grab the free download as well!
[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”false” /]