Alright EDM fans, it’s that time of week again, where the blogosphere blows up with the prospect of a potential scandal. This time the internet machine has churned out a supposed photograph of a ghost production agreement between Maarten Vorwerk and DVBSS and Borgeous via Electrokill Media.
Well, before you get your pitchforks and torches out… the photo and contract have been confirmed to be fake. We spoke to Josh Herman who manages DVBBS and Borgeous and he stated that none of the above parties have ever spoken to Maarten. Josh also confirmed that the purported signature on the document is not his own.
We’ve seen ghost production contracts before and let’s just say they are incredibly lengthy and comprehensive. This photo does not show a lengthy document, but rather what appears to be a hastily pieced together google doc. We were initially very suspicious of the document’s integrity, and we believe our suspicions have been fully confirmed.
We agree with Herman that this is a case of someone on the internet with too much time on their hands who took a cheap shot in the hopes of driving viewership. The pieces are all here to make a sensational story, but quite frankly this is a simple example of someone playing on rumors to create something mildly believable (especially if you have bought into the industry wide allegations of ghost production, which are dropped daily). We pride ourselves on our integrity, so it’s frustrating and shameful to see these sort of things directed at young artists.
Let’s put this one to rest. The contract is fake. Ghost production happens, but not in this case.
i would be in an uproar if this were true. DVBBS makes pure original music. No way someone else could have produced such epicness!
just playing devils advocate here, but why would they admit if it was real…
lol at dvbbs.
First fake dj sets now fake music. They are just another image being sold to dumb fuck posers in the scene. If you really wanna prove it post a video making a track on youtube. Then we will all know the truth. For example: When you watch future music with Nicky Romero. Just watching him talk about his production you can tell he knows what the fuck he is doing. But when you watch Martin Garrix making of Animals. Kid has no clue wtf hes saying. MAKE A VIDEO PRODUCING A SONG.
Why even bring up if they would admit it or not, I’ve never seen a contract ghost or not. that is 2 pages long. It just doesn’t happen that way. It takes more then that to sign rights for a song over.
Why even bring up if they would admit it or not, I’ve never seen a contract ghost or not. that is 2 pages long. It just doesn’t happen that way. It takes more then that to sign rights for a song over.