It seems that the EDM culture as a whole goes through phases and reoccurring themes. For example the art over at Dim Mak Records has been pretty consistent over the last year and appears as though the animated trend will continue in 2014. More important however, is that many artists are continuing the push for hardstyle to become more readily accepted and wanted in the United States. Steve Aoki & Coone have teamed up to produce “Can’t Stop The Swag“. Personally it sounds like recycled material but it definitely has festival potential in the first drop. That’s all I can imagine being played, though. It’s 4 minutes of almost identical content. ***Spoiler Alert*** The kick changes in the second drop.
In all seriousness I think that this will produce some decent remixes but the original is just too much of the same, on top of using recycled sounds. Also. The name is just terrible…if you happen to be a fan, it’s being released on January 28th.
Check it out for yourself below and be sure to comment on any other trends of 2014 that you’ve picked up on so far. Get involved in the conversation on twitter @coleeeee123 and using #EDMtrends14. 2013 saw A LOT of trap, what’s gonna blow up next?
[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=true” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]
been waiting for this track for an entire year fuuuuuuu!
i like it