Earlier today, the Glitch Mob’s Ooah, Boreta, and EdiT treated fans to a detailed AMA covering everything from production technique to their favorite past shows. One lucky fan even received a personal message from the Glitch Mob wishing her a happy birthday! While the entire thread is definitely worth checking out, we’ve pulled out a few favorite answers to spotlight here.
Many of the questions focused on the process of music creation. The trio revealed their technique of working on albums in cycles, rather than track-by-track to keep the songs consistent.
In another answer, they discussed the process of coming up with track titles. Rather than focusing entirely on the music and having the title be an afterthought, the group views the title as an integral part of their art.
Another topic included the ratio of live instrumentals versus computer-generated sounds, which has changed quite dramatically across albums.
Finally, they explained how they really don’t consider themselves apart of the “EDM scene.” Instead, they focus on telling narratives through their music, wherever that may take them.
While these questions provide lots of insight, there is plenty more information to be had over on Reddit. For more technical aspects, they also did an AMA on r/edmproduction last year. Check that out here.