Recently there have been rumors floating around the web that New Years Eve festival, Winter Galactic had been cancelled. We are here to tell you that, that is false! The festival must go on! Earlier Dada Life tweeted that it will not be cancelled.
FYI – The show on New Year’s Eve @ Winter Galactic is not cancelled. Seeing some people tweet, but the show goes on 😉
— Dada Life (@dadalife) December 10, 2013
Winter Galactic will take place but details are scarce at the moment, we will fill you in as more information comes to light.
Not sure exactly what’s going on w/ NYE, but we’re still playing the event! We’ve been told more details tomorrow and will post as soon as
— Dada Life (@dadalife) December 11, 2013
shit is cancelled…
Resolution is better then this.
rusko just posted that he’s playing elsewhere. It would be nice if somebody….anybody, could give us ticket holders some news on what the heck is going on