2013 has been a tremendous year for Electronic Dance Music, but it’s been an even bigger year for the one we know as “Molly.” Out of every concert or festival that was successful it seems the masses only took notice to one thing-MDMA‘s towering presence and it’s powerful, sometimes fatal effects. Well what if I told you this rapidly surfacing drug could be in pharmacies by 2021? How would your mom feel about that?
The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) took to a reddit AMA to discuss their line of work and give us all the information we need to know about Psychedelics, including MDMA.
MDMA psychotherapy clinical trials are in ‘Phase 2’ as of now with two larger ‘Phase 3’ studies being required to prove safety and efficiency, which are set to occur between 2016 and 2020. There have been arguments for quite some time that the U.S gov’t should legalize all drugs and there are an infinite amount of valid statements that could be thrown on the table. A lot people are perplexed at the thought of legalizing drugs even crossing someones mind, but the truth is that this is one of the only options we have left because clearly prohibition does everything BUT help.
Check out the full reddit AMA right HERE and I’ve also included a video down below of a retired police captain giving his thought about the war on drugs. If you have a second I would strongly advise you to see what he has to say, it could change your perspective completely!
Hey everyone,
I’m doing a project for a class and I was wondering you guys can throw some good information my way.
maybe talk about…
-your first rave
-experimenting with recreational drugs
-Your opinions on DJs now and then
Greatly appreciated!
I could see a lot of pros and cons of making MDMA legal…. But I think the one pro that stands out for me is the no more “molly” induced casualties…. And i think it’s because when u buy at a festival most people have no idea what they are buying, including the middle man ur buying it from… At least if MDMA was legal there would be no more worry of cutting agents and you would know the purity of the substance so overdose would be seldom unless the person is really asking for it…. I don’t know how it is in ur state but in Colorado people are getting bath salts and not Molly…. I guess what I’m trying to say is be safe, buy ur drugs before the show and get an inexpensive testing kit…. PLUR