As a way of celebrating Thanksgiving, or Krewsgiving depending on who you’re talking to, Krewella released the seventh installment of Krewlife. The series follows the Krew and their exploits on tour, which typically feature of a lot of Jameson, sweat, desserts, and not a whole lot of sleep as they rage their way from one city to the next. This is one of my favorite things that Krewella does for their fans because it really allows them to get a better sense of who they are as people on and off the stage. Check the video below for an inside look at what it’s like to live the Krewlife!
Directed by Miles Evert
at least they are being real and honest with the whole world and they still rock a mean set
and people and fans enjoy their music, energy and honesty.
big ups to Krewella..
seeya’ll 13th December in my city
They look like drunk idiots