Grammy nominated producer BT took his opinions on ‘Personal Accountability’ to Twitter earlier today. This long winded string of tweets was inspired by BT hearing someone talk about their mother’s past.
In this string of tweets there are some powerful messages to be heard. Here are a few powerful quotes from BT’s Twitter:
When you are personally accountable for your actions you get out of the passenger seat of life and into the drivers seat. You’re in charge.
This quote really is important to take in, because the only person who can make a possitive change in your life is yourself.
Another quote from BT in this series of tweets is how he ended his whole “Rant”:
Life is not “happening” to you. YOU are “happening” to life. That is all. Happy Sunday.
This is very important to remember, because yes there may be things that are rough, but in the end of the day you have the power to decide how it will affect you.
Take a look at the series of tweets in it’s entirety below and let us know what you think:
So let’s talk about personal accountability and why it is important. Your questions are welcome.
— BT (@BT) October 6, 2013
The other day I heard someone say that their mother was a stripper and a crack addict when they were young because of Reganomics. — BT (@BT) October 6, 2013
This is what is referred to in psychology as displacement. You can read about this here : … — BT (@BT) October 6, 2013
So why would displacing yours or others personal responsibilities be bad you ask? Bad things happen right? Life is hard.
— BT (@BT) October 6, 2013
Do you or someone, hell, everyone you know use words like, victim & bully & talk about not having choices: life is just happening to them?
— BT (@BT) October 6, 2013
This is cowardice in profound form. Guess what, bad things do happen. Life is incredibly hard. It is bound together by our personal choices — BT (@BT) October 6, 2013
And when you displace your choices or accountability on to others i.e Life is just “happening” to you. You disempower YOU. — BT (@BT) October 6, 2013
Because if you do not accept responsibility for the consequences of your choices, it IS just “happening” to you (including your thoughts)
— BT (@BT) October 6, 2013
When you are personally accountable for your actions you get out of the passenger seat of life and into the drivers seat. You’re in charge.
— BT (@BT) October 6, 2013
So I’m a stripper and a crack addict. My parents didn’t love me, the economy sucks, my life’s been hard. Blah blah BULLSHIT.
— BT (@BT) October 6, 2013
You make choices. Even in thinking. What we choose to perseverate on. The drains we circle. And by choosing different, we are different
— BT (@BT) October 6, 2013
Next time you think about your life circumstance & what is inadvertently “happening” to you. Redirect your thoughts to your responsibility
— BT (@BT) October 6, 2013
For what is happening in your life. Hold YOU accountable. Be better, do different, strive outside your comfort zone and….
— BT (@BT) October 6, 2013
What your parents taught you what society tells you. Man up. Hold yourself your actions, thoughts, behaviors accountable & own your own life
— BT (@BT) October 6, 2013
Life is not “happening” to you. YOU are “happening” to life. That is all. Happy Sunday.
— BT (@BT) October 6, 2013
We make out own destiny