A team of supposed investigative undercover reporters infiltrated TomorrowWorld with a small camera to report on drug use within the festival. The few minutes long segment, interspersed with short clips of pills coming out of bottles and white powder being split on glass tables, follows the journey of two reporters, Ross McLaughlin and Shawn Hoder, as they venture into TomorrowWorld. Throughout their trip they follow a few attendees wearing ‘Molly’ t-shirts, someone talking about a drug test kit and that’s actually pretty much it. Essentially this report is based on a few quotes, some t-shirts and some out of context suggestive clips of white powder being spread on glasses tables (obviously not taken at TomorrowWorld). Way to go 11Alive.
[H/T]: WRR
One of the lamest, most useless and misleading reports I’ve ever seen. #11ALIAR
I was there, heard there were no overdoses and the DEA with dogs were all over the front entrance. This being a 21+ festival kept most of the idiots out for sure. This was the least drug infested festival I have been to so far.
Seems like the current media agenda is to kill large EDM festivals. I was at a Kid Cudi concert on Friday and weed was EVERYWHERE! Don’t see any hidden camera reports on that.. Doesn’t really matter the genre of music, any large festival will have drugs. fact.
“undercover reporting” aka going to party all weekend lol. Sign me up!!
What a bunch of bitches dude, stay the fuck out of our community.
Yea that shit is very manipulative, and for some reason i doubt people would be asking and offering drugs to some grey haired old man. yea people have a great time at they’re own risk but they are not dumb by any means especially not how they made it seem. ANd umm does anyone remember WOODSTOCK hmm there were no cameras around then but about ten times the amount of drugs overdoses and sexual crimes happening at those concerts but old timers like they grey haired turd in the investigation were dreaming about going to woodstock and being a part of the activities but when its time for the youth of the world to have there time and fun leave it to the news to mis inform and and misdirect. Molly is not a dangerous drug, not like the flesh eating shit coming from over seas and that 1000 year old life taker heroine, so next time you decide to try and get rating , do it on sumthing that people actually give a fuck about until then butt the fuck out and let kids be kids, and just have fun.. If someone is to dumb to realize theyre doing to much and they OD then maybe theyre friends should have stepped in and gave them advice, and if that doesnt work then its more then the drugs its the person personality at work and theyre probably on a life ending path as it is. DOnt blame the concert and the fun, blame the shitty parents that raised theyre kids in a cacoon and that didnt expose them to the real world and for making their kids messed up in the head, bc usually theyre the ones that cant have fun without going overboard. Long live EDM FTS FTW and especially fuck the channel 11 news team and oo yea im pretty sure this is america , were we should be free but wow the gov sure makes us feel free and save right
Well, as I learned in Broadcast Journalism school, reporting on the “extreme” and what people want to hear is what brings viewers…but this is totally manipulative and misinforming. Also, they probably should have sent a younger looking person in if they wanted to be sneaky about it.
This is just ridiculous and pointless.
haha i watched them talk to that guy when they asked if u can get molly easy and he said yes haha
My email I sent to their news station.
Okay, so I am normally very keen to stay out of hot debates but after reading and hearing about 11alives news story about drugs at TomorrowWorld I am appalled…Firstly how are you going to single out 1 individual festival on drug use and not go to others. I am fully aware and understand that drug overdoses and particularly the drug MDMA AKA. Molly are in the national spotlight after a unfortunate summer of drug “related” deaths, most recently the horrible incident at New York’s Electric Zoo. Your article is very biased and comes across at targeting a particular genre, EDM. If your unaware thats Electronic Dance Music. One thing that I’m extremely confused about is why in this article did you not mention that MDMA in its pure form is safe and even used in medical research and therapeutically by psychiatrists? Before you released this 11alive exclusive did your news team ever take a second to look at http://www.drugpolicy.org/drug-facts/mdma-ecstasy-molly-facts ? You will find that the drug MDMA is not the cause of death except in rare circumstances. A typical cause of death is dehydration and over exertion, this can honestly happen to anyone who fails to hydrate while dancing in a crowd for 5 hours without taking a break from the 50K person crowd. Did your reporters ever get into the MainStage crowd, because I did and it was hot even with the low temperatures at night. I was there, I attended TomorrowWorld this past weekend, and before you prejudge me, I do not take drugs, I do not need drugs to have fun at these events. I attend them for my pure love of the music and the people that share my interests. I do believe drugs are a major problem in this country I think they are devastating, I have friends that I ask not to take them but they do it anyways. I just don’t think targeting a music festival that brought 150,000 people to the city of atlanta, generating god knows how much tourism is the way to do it. Also targeting EDM in particular is where this report really falls short, have any of your staff ever been to any other music festival, what about Bonnaroo? At every music festival there are drugs, lots of them. Drugs in every shape or form, I’m 1000% confident that at Atlanta’s midtown music festival there was at least the drugs; Molly, Cocaine, Weed, Mushrooms, LSD, PainKillers, and probably a few more that I haven’t listed. My point being drugs are not a EDM problem they are a SOCIETY problem. Where in this article were you going to mention the leaders in hiphop rapping about “poppin molly” There are plenty of ATLANTA based rappers that currently have songs that encourage molly or some form of drug use. Hell I bet you most of them are users themselves. In this article were you ever going to mention Miley cyrus and her reference to molly in the song ‘We can’t stop’ ? How did you fail to mention this? She is an idol to young kids across america and thats her target market! The Huffington post did an article about her entrance into the molly social propaganda, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/07/22/miley-cyrus-molly_n_3634422.html . At any rate I’m extremely disposed with the level of reporting and the lack of factual information and the amount of personal opinions inserted into your report. I would really appreciate an emailed response to my complaint.
Can people please just get over the fact that there are drugs at music festivals! Let’s hear about how great the music is and appreciate that!