In the 4th installment of his newly created but rather popular new coffee run series, Deadmau5 takes Canadian comedian Russell Peters on a night time ride. While some of you might not be familiar with Russell, he’s an incredibly successful comedian, having broken UK, Australian and Singapore comedy sales record. For anyone wondering, Forbes also ranks him as the 3rd highest paid comedian. So in this episode, the two Canadian stars discuss DJing, the Canadian comedy scene among many other banal but interesting topics. Let us know what you think and who you’d like to have Deadmau5 take on his coffee run next time.
people are gonna be takin up jobs at Tim Horton’s just to see him lol
wow, jajajaja “muy divertidos”
wow, jajajaja “muy divertidos” 😉
what’s the meaning of stonehenge, joel?
“splenda – the other shit makes it taste sour” BEHOLD the new Splenda slogan
I want to see him do a coffee run with skrillex LOL